How to Navigate Immigration Bond Processing Quickly and Effectively

March 12, 2024

Action Immigration

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) held more than 38,500 people in detention in June. If you feel frightened and overwhelmed trying to figure out how to get your loved one released, you're not alone.

If a detainee is eligible for release on bond, you can get fast immigration bond processing by following the right steps. Learn more about immigration bond processing and how to get through the system as efficiently as possible.

Understand Which Type of Bond You Need

Before you start the process of getting an immigration bail bond, you should understand which type of bond you need. The main types are delivery bonds and voluntary departure bonds.

Delivery Bond

A delivery bond temporarily releases the detainee from ICE custody while waiting for their immigration hearing. If the person fails to appear on their scheduled court date, the bond amount is forfeited.

Voluntary Departure Bond

If the detainee agrees to leave the U.S. voluntarily, the immigration judge can grant a voluntary departure bond. The bail amount is refunded once the person leaves the country. If the person doesn't leave, the bail amount is forfeited.

Be Sure You're Eligible to Pay an Immigration Bail Bond

Trying to post an immigration bond if you're not eligible will delay processing. Bond obligors must meet several requirements. 

You must be at least 18 years old and live in the U.S. To post a delivery bond, you must fit into one of these categories:

  • U.S. citizen
  • Lawful permanent resident
  • Law firm
  • Non-profit organization

The same entities can post a departure bond, with the addition of non-citizens who can post on their own behalf.

Be Prepared With the Right Documents

You must verify your identity and eligibility to post the immigration bond. If you don't have the right documents, the immigration bond processing will be delayed.

U.S. citizens need a document that proves their identity and citizenship, such as a U.S. passport or U.S. birth certificate. Permanent residents can use their green card or military identification card.

Use the Right Form of Payment

In the past, the most common method of paying immigration bonds was at an ICE field office. ICE started using an online payment platform in 2023. The most efficient way to pay an immigration bond is through the CeBONDS system.

You must use ACH or Fedwire to post the bond. ACH is an electronic network that lets banks transfer money from one bank account to another. Fedwire is an electronic funds transfer system that the Federal Reserve Bank manages.

ICE offices can decide on a case-by-case basis to allow obligors to post bonds at a field office. If you're paying at an office, you'll need a certified check from a bank or a money order from the post office.

Get Expert Help for Faster Immigration Bond Processing

Following all the requirements and guidelines will help your immigration bond processing go faster. You should verify your eligibility as an obligor, prepare the right documents, and use the correct form of payment.

Experienced immigration bond services can help you get through the process more easily. Action Immigration Bonds and Insurance Services has been serving clients since 1974. Our professional team is ready 24/7 to provide the guidance you need.

Call Action Immigration Bonds and Insurance Services today to learn how we can help.

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