An immigration bond is a type of federal bond used for detainees held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), formerly known as the INS. This type of bond assists in the release of your loved ones pending a hearing or court appearance.
Posting an immigration bond without a bondsmen can cost between $5,000 to $20,000 or more without using a bond company. Don't spend extra money when faced with arranging a bail bond for immigration cases. ACTION charges no application fees for bonds. Our premium and fees for immigration bail bonds cost less than our competitors over time. Our competitors' annual renewal premium could cost you thousands of dollars more, so always ASK questions about RENEWAL premiums.
Most often, your friends or family will be home on the same day that you contact Action Immigration Bonds. We know how important your friends and family are, so rest assured - we will make every attempt to expedite the process - every time!
Disclaimer - This is the website of ACTION Immigration Bonds & Insurance Services, Inc. Our postal address is 1133 SE 3rd Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 USA. Our toll free number is 1-800-940-8889. Each visitor to our website is assured that at no time will any of the information gathered here or by any other means be sold, distributed or otherwise given to any third party companies for any reason. Any information that we may collect is used solely by ACTION to improve our website, our services, product offerings and customer service. We do not make the email addresses, domain names or any other information of those who access our site available to any organizations not owned by ACTION Immigration Bonds & Insurance Services, Inc. Real testimonials used. Actor portrayal of customer used to protect their identity. REFERRAL COMMISSIONS ARE PAID ONLY TO PROPERLY LICENSED PROPERTY & CASUALTY AGENTS. NO COMMISSIONS ARE PAID TO AGENTS IN THE STATE OF UTAH.
Action Immigration Bonds and Insurance Services, Inc. charges a yearly management / maintenance premium of $245.00 and NO management premium in CA if case goes beyond 1 year.
© 2025. Action Immigration Bonds and Insurance Services, Inc.